February 27th, 2008
I have had a Canon PIXMA Pro9500 inkjet printer in my apartment since mid-January. I am very impressed at the quality of this printer, and it has done its part to re-energize my desire to create prints of my photographs in addition to displaying them in digital formats. A few weeks ago, however, the printer began reporting ink tank errors. It started with the Photo Magenta and Yellow cartridges. Eventually, the errors on those two cartridges would no longer allow me to print. I called Canon's customer support center and after speaking with the representative for a few minutes, they sent me two replacements in a few short days. Last week, however, the Green tank began reporting errors. I called Canon again, and the representative arranged for a total replacement of all 10 of my ink cartridges. That's no small replacement considering these buggers cost $15 each. On both occasions the hold time was very short and the representative was kind and helpful. Not to mention I found out on the second call that their support center for all of the United States just happens to be located in my home town of Chesapeake, Virginia! Thanks for your great support, Canon. The box of new ink arrived yesterday, and I'm back up and printing.
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February 9th, 2008
I requested my absentee ballot for the Virginia 2008 presidential primary on February 5th and received it yesterday (the 8th). I filled it out with a witness present, sealed the multiple envelopes, attached more than enough postage (old stamps from my roommate), and sent it on its way back down south this morning. If the jolly old USPS does their job right, the ballot should make it back home by the 12th to be counted among that day's votes. Yay for doing my civil duty. I hope you other states enjoyed your Super Tuesday.
February 5th, 2008
I could not resist posting a link to a humorous tidbit about today's Super Tuesday primaries and caucuses. Take a look at what many Virginians did today to get a laugh. It turns out that some people in the good old Commonwealth missed the message that the Virginia primaries are happening on February 12th…not today. I tell ya', we Virginians sure are a mighty smart crowd!
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July 4th, 2006

Happy Independence Day! This past weekend we drove up to Virginia's northern neck to see my aunt, uncle, cousins, and their new pug puppy. When we stopped for gas before the trip, I had to snap a shot of a sign on the pump, "Contains up to 10% ethanol." Originally, I thought this was to feed off of recent somewhat positive media exposure, but it seems more is involved. If you want a good read, follow my link to this PDF from the Virginia Petroleum, Convenience and Grocery Association. By the way, my Treo 700p's camera seems to work quite nicely outside. Read on for more info and another photo. Read the rest of this entry »