Eric Kerby: Photography, Web Design, Programming

Archive for the 'Uncategorized' Category


January 12th, 2005

That is all I can say in response to Steve Jobs's keynote speech on Jan. 11 at the Macworld Expo. All you Windows users – go buy a Mac mini ASAP! Other amazing products announced: iPod shuffle, iLife '05, iWork '05, and Final Cut Express HD. Check out all these great Apple products and feel free to comment in the forum.

1 Year

January 5th, 2005

Well, as I mentioned earlier, today was the first year anniversary of (just the website, not my photography business). I had hoped to do a little more for today, but time ran short. Perhaps I will do something in the nearish future.


January 1st, 2005

A brand new year! I wonder how long it will take me to get used to writing 2005 as the date? All in good time, I suppose. Notice the exploding 2004 graphic on the main page. It'll stay there for a few more days. At least until I think up something for the 1 year anniversary of on Jan. 5th!

Last days of 2004

December 30th, 2004

2005 is almost here. In a couple days the copyright notice at the bottom of my site will change to © 2003-2005 :). Also, in a few more days, I'll do something special for the one year anniversary of the website. In the meantime, make sure you go to the Forum and give me some feedback so I can improve the site in the new year!

Google ads

December 27th, 2004

Now that I am 18 :D, I have legally signed up with Google's AdSense program. That's why you will now see the occasional Ads by Goooooogle on the site. Google does a great job to make the ads match content on the site and not be too invasive on my web design. Also, the ads may earn me a little money, although I contractually cannot urge you all to go out of your way to click tons of ads. But if you see an ad that appeals to you, click away!

And another…

December 25th, 2004

Now in the last 10 minutes of Christmas 🙂 Notice I added a new media page at There you can find links to things like the webcam and a funny video (mp4) of Sage (our bloodhound) digging the floor before lying down: 8.7MB (faster connections) – or – 3.2MB (slower connections)


December 25th, 2004

In the last 20 minutes of Christmas day…I officially turn 18 in 9 1/2 hours! 😀 But, anyway…I finally changed the main page title (in the title bar of your browser) to Eric Kerby Photography. I will slowly be fading out the use of Kerby's Custom Photography.

Time for an update

December 21st, 2004

I have been off on holiday break for a few days now, so…I think I need to post some more news. Not much to say, but…Head over to the Forum for some other news, I added a webcam on the site, and we sent off our Christmas cards. Time to sleep. 5 days until my birthday 😀 !!

Logo and banner updates

December 14th, 2004

I recently changed my logo and banner at the top of every page I am still perfecting the designs, so feel free to comment about the changes in the Forum. Make sure you check the site on January 5th, 2005. That will mark one year since I launched the site!

Site updates

December 8th, 2004

You may not have noticed, but I have been busy with a few updates to since my host and server transition, such as…a new flash graphic on the main page to display photos randomly and to advertise the Forum and a form to request lost log in information. You may also want to check out the NA Sci-Fi Club's website that I update every now and then. Now, go post in the Forum!