Eric Kerby: Photography, Web Design, Programming

Off from NASA, back to computer hacking…literally!

August 12th, 2007 at 4:06 pm

Well, I just finished cutting a hole in a computer case with a hack saw. I can't say I'm the most experienced at using such tools, especially since I broke 2 or 3 blades in the process. But now the rear case fan has plenty of open space to move warm air out of the case of my MythTV system. Now you know what former NASA employees do on the weekends ;). Yes, that's right, I have finished my co-op at NASA Langley for the summer. Fortunately, the response to the work I did was so positive that I should be able to continue providing at least an advisory role to some areas of the Center. I had a great time working for NASA and hope that is not the last time our paths cross.

One Response to “Off from NASA, back to computer hacking…literally!”

  1. Dennis Kerby Says:

    I predict a future shuttle mission — if it happens I will be the father of the first red-head in space (not counting June Lockhart for those of you old enough to remember)

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