Eric Kerby: Photography, Web Design, Programming

Google search traffic

January 14th, 2007 at 7:23 pm

It is always interesting to see how people come across my website. A regular provider of visitors is Google. What has surprised me over the past two years is the regular stream of traffic coming from searches for photos of Fame – The Musical. When you search in Google, the reason is quite obvious: my website consistently ranks in the top 3 results for that search. Don't take my word for it, go to Google and search for fame photos or fame the musical photos. Even in Yahoo, I rank second for fame the musical photos. That just shows that it can pay off to post a wide variety of content online in hopes that you will hit a few niches attract more visitors. By the way, you can always view the original Fame photos.

One Response to “Google search traffic”

  1. Dennis Kerby Says:

    I would be willing to wager that the Kerby Christmas Party and Wildlife in the Oettel Backyard have not generated very many hits — but they are certainly valuable additions to your range of posted material

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