Eric Kerby: Photography, Web Design, Programming

Selected Links

Photography Related

B&H: An excellent source for photographic supplies
Canon: My preferred brand of photographic equipment
Digital Photography Review: News, reviews, and information about digital photography
Imaging and Photographic Technology: My field of study at RIT


Lindsay Block: Awesome graphic designer at RIT
Greg Cunneyworth: Friend and roommate at RIT
Mike Garrett: A web designer and graphics artist

Computers and Technology

Apple: My preferred brand of computers
Mozilla: Firefox, Thunderbird, and more
Astraware: The best developer of mobile games A social news website that lets users create and promote stories
Engadget: Stay on top of the latest in gadgets and technology
TUAW: News relating to the world of Apple Computers
Slashdot: "News for Nerds. Stuff that Matters."
Revision3: A great "TV network for the web" Fast shipping and awesome prices on technology products


Rochester Institute of Technology: My alma mater
Norfolk Academy: Where I spent 12 years of my life :) A wealth of information about my hometown
Google: An awesome search engine (you already knew that, I hope)

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